Beat your competition
with E-Cycling from E-Fit

Beat your competition with E-Cycling from E-Fit. You get more out of your workout in just 20 minutes.
In addition, you get higher calorie burning, better endurance, more strength and greater explosiveness.

Who benefits from E-Cycling?

  • Both amateurs and professionals
  • For indoor and outdoor workouts
  • Individual workout sessions as well as group lessons (such as spinning)

18x more results in 20 minutes.

Target the right muscle groups

E-Cycling workouts generate as many as 36,000 muscle contractions in just 20 minutes. The specially designed E-Cycling shorts with 18 E-Pads specifically activate all 9 muscle zones you use during one pedal stroke.

This ensures that an E-Cycling session is three times more intense and effective than a standard 60-minute workout or spinning routine. Besides the leg muscles, the core (abdomen and lower back) is also targeted which prevents back pain. Moreover, this extremely safe workout method allows you to prevent injuries or recover efficiently and quickly.

Advantages of E-Cycling?

  • more explosive acceleration
  • improved muscle endurance
  • overall strength development in the legs
  • a tremendous increase in calorie burning
  • a core workout
  • shape correction of the thighs (perfect for people with a pear shape)

With the out-of-range option, the client (after selecting their routine) does not have to physically be next to the machine to workout. Because of the wireless receiver, the client can even cycle outdoors, which makes E-Cycling a perfect outdoor workout as well.

These satisfied E-Fitters came before you


Very satisfied with the result of my E-Cycling sessions and also friendly and professional staff. Thanks to the screen that is linked to the exercise bike, you can cycle wherever you want, in a beautiful environment with adapted slopes and resistance.


On rainy and cold days I didn’t feel like getting on my bike. E-Cycling offered the perfect solution to stay sporty during these days. I was well guided by the coaches. It’s wonderful!


Cycling up Mont Ventoux was on my bucket list, to train for this I chose E-Cycling. And this was ideal as preparation! Personal approach with attention to the customer’s needs. Price/quality ratio top!