E-Fit Infinity

Take your training to the next level with the E-Fit Infinity device. With the E-Fit Infinity 2090 you get a full-fledged full-body workout in just 20 minutes, which, thanks to EMS technology, works no less than 18x more efficiently than a classic 90-minute fitness session.

With this wireless device you have complete freedom of movement and you can connect up to 10 different users to one device. This allows you to help more customers to a fit, lean and muscular body.

About the device

The Infinity 2090 works with an electrode pack with 20 highest-quality E-pads, spread over a vest, pants, arm and calf belts. The electrode pack is flexible, light, washable, easy to care for and made of an anti-bacterial fabric. The E-pads send different impulses to your muscles, fat layer, connective tissue and skin.

Through the active E-Move or E-Cycling training sessions, the metabolism increases significantly and at the same time more than 90% of the deep muscle fibers are stimulated. During a regular workout, this is only 30%. In addition, the deep-lying (and most neglected) muscles are also trained.

The 10 muscle groups and the impulse program are controlled separately, so that optimal results are achieved. The sessions can therefore be fully adjusted individually based on the objectives, problem areas, condition and any back and joint complaints.

The E-Fit Infinity has many options for your studio:

Individual EMS training or personal training (up to 10 unique people)

Dual training, but each with their own EMS program and intensity

EMS group lessons for up to 10 people

Out of range training, so you don’t have to depend on the distance to the equipment (ideal for outdoor workouts)

E-Fit has opted for a medical wireless connection, which directly forms one protected line (peer to peer). As a result, you don’t get any interference or radiation, but you do get a stable connection. With a classic Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection, the device is constantly looking for new connections, which can cause delays or malfunctions, with a negative impact on health. After all, numerous studies show that Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can be carcinogenic. Our wireless peer to peer connection is therefore extremely stable but also very secure!