From teaching to E-Fit studios

Currently owning 3 Body in Balance E-Fit studios, Ilse and her team came in fourth in the top ten most promising E-Fit studios of 2020. Even though COVID-19 led to some challenges, nothing stopped Ilse and her team from successfully opening their dream third E-Fit studio. Do Ilse and her team have any other ambitions Yes, a fourth or even fifth E-Fit studio will definitely be acquired in the future!

How did you open up an E-Fit studio?

We have actually been an E-Fit studio from the very beginning of E-Fit Benelux. I used to teach 5th and 6th grade but after a while I developed a burnout. Teaching was no longer challenging enough and I couldn’t give my students the 100% they deserve. I began looking for something that could give me more satisfaction.

Having a history of dieting myself and even advising my friends, I wanted to open a weight loss centre. I bought the house adjacent to our home and began my search for diet suppliers and products I wanted to work with. A representative told me about E-Fit. I immediately went to Bruges where Stephanie and Andy had their weight loss centre and I was convinced then and there!

E-Fit’s EMS technology was very high-tech at the time

Weight loss booths were very popular and E-Fit was something completely new, it seemed futuristic! With E-Fit’s EMS, you can move standing up. It is much more intense and perfect for people with busy lives. Something that was unheard off at the time! We soon adjusted our concept and now we combine nutritional advice with sports coaching and E-Fit.

Many people think it is a miraculous quick fix – which obviously doesn’t exist. We do, however, see very nice results: fat percentage and girth seem to significantly reduce. Often, people go down two clothing sizes in the first month. Weight is not as good an indicator for us, as muscle mass also tends to be heavy. We focus more on switching to a healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating in combination with E-Fit. It is a complete package that clients can sustain in the long term.

E-Fit personal coaching also includes mental coaching

Clients come to us when they have often already tried many other things. They don’t feel good about themselves and need personal advice. We support them throughout their journey and are there for them when they are having a bad day.

What is your concept?

We actually kept it simple. Stephanie and Andy gave us advice on how best to set up the studio so we created an E-Fit area for Body in Balance where our clients can come and E-Fit in a pleasant atmosphere. We also have a small shop where our clients can buy all kinds of products.

Are your clients loyal?

More than 50% of our clients renew their subscription. I can honestly say we have virtually no one-time clients. Clients are very satisfied with our coaching methods and come to us for support and motivation. We strive for good rapport between our clients and coaches. We strive for good rapport between our clients and coaches. They love coming back.
I have clients who have been with us for years and are still very satisfied. We continue to communicate actively through, for example, our Facebook group where we share tips. Our clients also share tips and tricks or recipes in this group, which is incredible!

Do you occasionally need tips or refresher training courses to remain a TOP E-Fit coach?

I completed many courses at E-Fit and I graduated as an orthomolecular therapist a few years ago. At E-Fit, I was shown how best to help clients and organise their workout routines. The orthomolecular aspect makes me feel competent as a nutrition coach.

I personally think that the fact that E-Fit has an open communication strategy makes for less stress when opening a studio. You can always contact Stephanie if you have any questions, for example. Stephanie is CEO of E-Fit Benelux and provides professional tips and advice. She always enjoys helping us. There are also several training courses at E-Fit that you can participate in to perfect your skills.

And, personally, besides E-Fit, my husband is also an incredible advisor who likes to help. As of last year, i can also count on the support and advice of my partner Hilde who is very ambitious as well!

What gives you the most satisfaction?

It may be a bit cliché but helping people gives me the most satisfaction. It really is true that people connect with you and value your input. This is actually something that makes me feel good and that you can only experience as an E-Fit coach!

And, of course, I am very lucky I get to work with incredible colleagues Every day, we do our best to expand the business and provide the best quality for our clients. It’s a true passion. We recently opened a third studio in Poperingen. We opened during COVID-19 but were off to a great start so we are looking forward to a bright future! Always with a positive mindset!

And who knows, maybe other Body in Balance E-Fit studios will be added to our portfolio soon as we definitely have the ambition to do so.