Our mission: Helping your business and clients thrive!

E-Fit Benelux, with its headquarters and operational showroom in Waregem, is the exclusive distributor and market leader of unique and high-quality EMS devices. We have been operating within the EMS market for more than 12 years and continue to achieve annual growth. Our clients are active in the weight loss, wellness, sports, fitness, health and beauty industries. Thanks to our high-quality devices, lucrative business model, dedicated team and many years of experience, we can help our customers successfully develop their business every day.

The owners of E-Fit Benelux, Annelies and Virgil, also manage 5 E-Fit studios. This allows them to monitor the market and share their experiences and expertise with all other studio owners.

In addition to supplying E-Fit devices, we want to create great added value for both our professional customers and the end user. We do this by providing a complete support package in terms of business coaching, expertise, marketing, training courses and service.

To date, our E-Fit network consists of more than 180 E-Fit studios in the Benelux and more than 2,000 E-Fit studios worldwide. . Every day, we help thousands of satisfied clients achieve their desired health, physique, fitness and pain management goals.

“ Teamwork makes the dream work ”

Sales team



E-mail: virgil@efit.be
Phone: +32 468 29 08 20

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Click on the photo for the vacancy.

Service & Logistics



E-mail: service@efit.be
Phone: +32 471 95 85 66




E-mail: febe@efit.be
Phone: +32 471 90 66 54



E-mail: logistiek@efit.be
Phone: 056 36 00 61




E-mail: annelies@efit.be
Phone: 056 36 00 61



E-mail: cynthia@efit.be
Phone: 056 36 00 61



E-mail: boekhouding@efit.be
Phone: 056 36 00 61

Meet Annelies and Virgil

Annelies and Virgil are the CEOs of E-Fit Benelux and the company FitCoach. Besides E-Fit Benelux and the E-Fit Studio in Deinze, they are also responsible for 4 other E-Fit Studios (FitStudio Desselgem, FitStudio Waregem, FitStudio Lievegem and E-Fit Studio Anderlecht). They know the EMS market inside out, both from a business perspective and that of the the end user. They are very happy to share their expertise with other E-Fit entrepreneurs and use E-Fit to create a strong brand and cement its market leadership in the Benelux and beyond.

Annelies and Virgil found each other both in their private lives and professionally through a shared passion for a healthy lifestyle. Annelies used to be a self-employed event manager and weighed 22 kilos more due to an unhealthy lifestyle… Virgil played professional volleyball and was underweight due to his height (2 metres). Both of them changed their lifestyles drastically, achieving great results. Healthy living, exercise and eating well became a passion and that’s how the couple found each other. A perfect match! They decided to make a career switch, retrain and start a business together to help others become the best versions of themselves: FitCoach was born!

In 2018, they opened their first FitStudio in Desselgem. It started with a classic personal training centre But then E-Fit unexpectedly came into their lives.

“At first, we were sceptical. But then we got to test it for ourselves. As avid athletes, we had never felt our muscles work so hard as during the E-Fit test session, with great results and full conviction as a result!

They integrated E-Fit into their FitStudio and after the launch weekend, the investment had already paid itself back. Meanwhile, the entrepreneurial couple has opened 4 more E-Fit Studios in various regions in Flanders, all with great success.

Due to a strong belief and confidence in the power of EMS and the quality of E-Fit, Annelies and Virgil decided to take over wholesaler E-Fit Benelux in 2022. From their experiences as an end user, they now also want to help other like-minded entrepreneurs realise their dreams and obtain a thriving business using E-Fit.

Annelies Valepyn

E-mail: annelies@efit.be
Phone: 056 36 00 61

Virgil Ergo

E-mail: virgil@efit.be
Phone: 056 36 00 61